UseSelector: A Guide to React-Redux Hooks


2 min read

Improve productivity and simplify state management with useSelector

Using useSelector and useDispatch allows for an alternative to the connect() higher-order component. useSelector can replace map state to props by taking in a function argument that specifies the desired part of the state. On the other hand, useDispatch can replace map dispatch to props. To utilize useDispatch, it can be invoked and stored to a variable such as dispatch. This dispatch variable can then work with allActions imported from the actions folder.

benefits of useSelector

    • Simplified code:
      With useSelector, you don't need to write a separate mapStateToProps function and connect your component to the store using connect. Instead, you can define a selector function inline and use it directly in your component.
    • Efficient updates:
      useSelector uses the strictEqual comparison algorithm to compare the selected data with its previous value, which means that your component will only re-render when the selected data has actually changed.
    • Memoization:
      useSelector automatically memoizes the selected data, which means that if the dependencies of your selector function haven't changed, it will return the previously computed value instead of recomputing it.
    • Easy testing:
      Since useSelector is just a regular JavaScript function, you can easily test it in isolation without needing to render your entire component hierarchy or mock the Redux store.

In addition to these benefits, useSelector also supports more advanced features like selecting data from nested slices of the store, composing selectors, and using selectors with the useMemo hook to further optimize performance.
Overall, useSelector is a powerful tool for working with Redux in React, and its simplicity and efficiency make it a great choice for building scalable and maintainable applications.